2A "revolution" to provide more food
4___ is tilted on its axis 98 degrees, so it rolls around the sun
7Earth's moving plates
9Productivity for most of human existence
14Use this to find out about places
15Characteristics more common inside than out
16The North Atlantic Drift of the Gulf Stream keeps western Europe free of ___
17Upright bipedalism makes us ____
19Climate & ___ regimes have a nearly one to one correspondence
23Climatic Factors
26Geographers' primary tool
31One country invades, occupies, & exploits many others
32Great circle divides North & South
34In a strong El Nino, water off the Peruvian coast is unusually ___
36All of the population characteristics
39Barely making it
41The ___ is the engine that drives Earth's tectonism
42Equal night & day lengths twice a year
45Population increase when births exceed deaths
47Language of commerce
50Can change the shape of a land mass on a map
52Degrees of arc North & South
55Caused by human activity
56On large-scale maps, things look _____
57Occur because the Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis
59Unsustainable economy
61Mercator projections produce the ____ problem
63Ascending air cools and descending air warms ____
64Ideal demographic change with industrialization
66The Earth warmed and cooled for 2 million years during the ___ geologic period
67____ thumbs are one of the things that make us human
69Map type with a topic
70Asian super continent after Pangaea
72Service oriented productivity
73People in a bounded territory, held together by government
74Russian soil scientist who created a climate model
75Distorts map shapes poleward
1Koppen's Af, Am, and Aw climates are confined to the ____
3The only complete great circle marking latitude
5The biggest & most important city
6Linguistic, religious, & cultural ways
8All the social characteristics of a group
9Ancient super continent
10Pyramidal graphs that explain a lot about a country's population
11Best map projection for large mid-latitude areas
12Productivity type that turns raw materials into commodities, like wheat to bread
13Study of languages
18Best map projection for the entire planet
20___ wears landforms down with ice
21Our species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, is also known as ____
22A cold off-shore current causes a coastal ___
24Earth's ____ tilt of 23.5 degrees causes seasonality
25Use this to find out about places
27A weather map is a ___ map: requiring prior knowledge of the subject.
28Determines day length and insolation intensity
2990 degrees of latitude North & South
30Modern population trend as people move to cities
33Africa's climates are ____ around the equator
35Geographic topic suitable for study
37CroMagnon out competed ____ in Europe
38In the ____ death rates fell first causing a population boom
40India & China have the world's two largest ____
43Grass & trees
44People who feel that they belong together
46Convection currents in the mantle result from ___
480 to 180 degrees of _____ East & West
49Creating a new culture from two others
51This modern concept without a genetic basis separates us
53___ support and are also a result of the vegetation they support
54Growing planetary connectedness
58Primary atmospheric circulation
60In winter this day is the shortest; in summer it's the longest
62Between 23.5 degrees North & South
65Radioactive decay causes this in the Earth's mantle
68The earliest human origins were in ____